Rust On The Golden Rule
- David Timmslabel: Nashville Christian Country songwriter: Tony Carl Mullins and Tim J. Nichols
publisher: EMI Blackwood Music Inc. BMI WC Music Corp ASCAP Ty Land Music BMI Platinum Plow ASCAP ISRC#: ushm22458693 album: Radio Release
Ring Up Jesus
- Cheryl Elainelabel: Independent songwriter: Cheryl Elaine BMI
publisher: Cheryl Elaine BMI album: Radio Release
Rock Pile
- Dave Adkinslabel: Billy Blue Records songwriter: Lee Black and Jerry Salley
publisher: Christian Taylor Music/BMI, a div. of Daywind Music (admin. by Clearbox Rights)/Very Jerry Music/SESAC All rights reserved. album: What I'm For
Ruby Jean (Feat. Jesse Smathers)
- Bob Minnerlabel: Billy Blue Records songwriter: Bob Minner and Virginia Minner
publisher: Missouriboy Music BMI album: Radio Release
Rock Beneath My Sand
- Cheryl Elainelabel: Independent songwriter: Cheryl Elaine, BMI
publisher: Cheryl Elaine, BMI ISRC QZZML2400555/UPC EAN 198500015010/ BMI 63943768 album: Radio Release
Running From The Truth
- Robbie Cockrelllabel: Grace Records Nashville LLC songwriter: Robbie Cockrell, BMI
publisher: Robbie Cockrell, BMI album: Radio Release
Rise Again
- Keith Sammonslabel: Straight Arrow/Artist Resource Services songwriter: Dallas Holm
publisher: Dimension Music/Going Holm Music/SESAC. All rights reserved. Used by permission. album: Daywind Radio Compilation March 2024
Run Run Rudolph
- Joe Mullins And The Radio Ramblerslabel: Billy Blue Records songwriter: Marvin Broadie and John Marks
publisher: St. Nicholas Music, Inc./ASCAP album: Radio Release